by Vivi Andrews
Jo is a medium who sees ghosts and it able to help them "transcend." Wyatt is the business man who hires the company she works for to deal with his "ghost problem." Jo and Wyatt are complete opposites. This was laugh-out-loud hilarious in places. While, I liked Jo right off the bat, Wyatt was an upt...
Kindle free download 10/16/12.
Jo is a chick a$$ chick!! Wyatt is a super serious guy!! Opposites attract in a big way!! I loved the story here and can't wait to see more!! Plenty of steam to keep a gal happy!!Love the stories in this series nice steam factor but it is more about the romance.
I read this novella based upon the great review given by Mrs. Giggles her site. I don't regret it. This story had me laughing out loud a few times. The concept of Karmic Consulting is a good one. Well done.