by Kathryn Miller Haines, Rachel Botchan
3.5 stars
Set in 1942, in the grip of World War II, the story follows Iris Anderson, a fifteen-year-old girl with a mind for sleuthing. Following her mother’s tragic suicide, Iris is uprooted from her private school and her cushy apartment on the Upper East Side of New York, landing in a public school and liv...
this was fun
For me, tried too hard to be the hard-boiled 40's mystery novel. Failed to connect to the protagonist and some of the lingo was going to drive me batty. (This is also a problem with some 40's films so not an isolated issue of this book.) No one really seemed worth rooting for or caring about their p...
4 frosted shortbread cookies.Cover Love: Yes. The font and the girl do a good job conveying the setting and time that this book takes place.Why I Wanted to Read This:There is a second book coming out in this series which is what prompted me to get this one read. I also wanted to see if it was oka...
This young adult book was a nice change of pace. I became totally caught up in the time period of the story. 1940's New York came alive....the people dealing with the effects of WWII, the 1940's slang, zoot suits, and dancing at the Savoy in Harlem. I really hope this is the start of a new series...