by Stieg Larsson
I didn't expect to love this book as much as I did :)I can't remember what made me want to read this book. I knew there was a movie about it but I never watch movies before I read the book. So I got this book, and started reading. after a few chapters I got lost. I did.. At first we hear about Mikae...
This book bored me to the point of tears. I couldn't finish it. I'm not in to mystery novels at all. And what I was able to read was very complicated in terms of story timeline. It was hard to tell what was in the present or the past. I finally threw it in the backseat of the car after sitting in a ...
It was really good - but maybe because it's been so successful and too much was public knowledge about Lisbeth that it spoiled it for me a little bit.The story is-self was a real slow burner, it takes it's time setting everything up. Mikael Blomquist (I can't spell his name), a journalist thats loo...
What have I become? Reading a book because it’s all over Goodreads and IMDB. And using a Disney gif for that matter. Cheap bastard. I actually saw this is the best novels list or something like that so ha! Take this people who judge me! I am not cheap! I just think that lists and people who make the...
Start by pushing a large bolder up hill, until you are just about to decide that you’ve had all this fun you can stand, the apex of the hill is finally reached, and gravity assumes its traditional role. Now the journey becomes much easier, and at times is very exciting. However, eventually the terra...
Loved this one. Wasn't sure to start with, but it definitely grew on me. Before I was half way through I couldn't put it down, I had to find out what was going to happen. Will definitely be reading the next in the series. My only problem with it, was keeping up with the Vanger family, I found it...
This book made me experience one too many conflicting emotions side by side. It managed to infuriate, astound, shock, disgust, terrify yet charm me at the same time.The international best-seller named The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo or Män som hatar kvinnor(as it is known in Swedish) deserves every ...