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The Glass Menagerie - Community Reviews back

by Tennessee Williams
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TeaStitchRead rated it 8 years ago
I talked with my husband and decided to spend an extra night in London so I could see the St Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday. So after saying goodbye to my friends on Saturday afternoon and finally finding a hotel room, I was ready to look at what the nightlife in London has to offer (besides clubs a...
Olga Godim
Olga Godim rated it 9 years ago
On Sept 7, I went to see The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, produced by one of our local theater companies. It was one of my most powerful theatrical experience of the past few years. I have never seen this play before, nor the movie, but I understand why this simple four-actor play, premier...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 9 years ago
After being blown away by "A Streetcar Named Desire" I am glad that I stuck with finishing up this play though it no longer counts toward Dead Writers Society Literary Birthday Challenge for 2016. I really enjoyed this play looking at what is left of the Wingfield family (Amanda, Tom, and Laura). Am...
Reading to Runaway
Reading to Runaway rated it 10 years ago
Great play, better on stage obviously. It's a short read that worth it.
Lost in Literature
Lost in Literature rated it 11 years ago
Love everything about this book. Beautifully written. Strong imagery and symbolism.
linakv rated it 12 years ago
Read this for my examn. Will probably not review it, I may post my examn if I get a good great. Just because I want to.
Elham rated it 12 years ago
"از هر لحاظ، شما خیال می کنید من این حرفارو برای این می زنم که امشب منو به شام دعوت کردید و من باید با شما مهربون باشم البته ممکن بود، من این کارو بکنم، می تونستم نقش بازی کنم و ظاهرا با شما صمیمی باشم، ولی الان هر چی که می گم از روی صداقته. من دیدم که شما خیلی احساس حقارت می کنید به همین دلیل هم ن...
say what mofos
say what mofos rated it 12 years ago
I have yet to read a Tennessee Williams play that I haven't enjoyed and this latest one was no exception. I finished it yesterday morning but had to wait a while before I jotted my thoughts down in a coherent manner (let's hope) for this review because the message I got was a personal one for me. Es...
Rowena's Reviews
Rowena's Reviews rated it 12 years ago
“The scene is memory and is therefore nonrealistic. Memory takes a lot of poetic license. It omits some details; others are exaggerated, according to the emotional value of the articles it touches, for memory is seated predominantly in the heart.”I really enjoyed this play, a lot more than I thought...
Sparkles and Lightning
Sparkles and Lightning rated it 12 years ago
Not awful, I guess.
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