by Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
2.5 stars.I think the letter device worked better with the two of them on separate adventures - having Kate and Cecy directly corresponding was more fun and personal. In this one it felt more imbalanced, since Kate had a personal journal where she tended to talk about intimate moments with Thomas, a...
I didn't like this one nearly as much as the first one. For one thing, it's a LOT longer, so it seems like it rambles through the plot until things start happening. For another, I kept getting the characters confused. There are a lot of secondary characters, true, but I mean I got the *main* charact...
Kate was a bit of a wet blanket this time round, which was really irritating as three quarters of the book was from her perspective, instead of 50/50 between her and Cecy.
Not quite as good as the first one. Still fun, humorous, and an very good read.
I quite enjoyed this book. It wasn't as ingenious as the first with the letters being written back and forth but it had a lot of perks. It was full of adventure and tender moments. I think I may be more in love with the characters than I was before. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. ...
The sequel to Sorcery and Cecelia, and just as delightful. Unfortunately, I can say almost nothing about it without giving away major spoilers for the first book.
The sequel to [b:Sorcery and Cecilia] is significantly less charming than its predecessor. I had a hard time remember which character was which, and who was married to who. I had an equally difficult time caring about the plot. From Kelly's review of the third book, it doesn't look like the series...