The Greek Tycoon's Unexpected Wife (Modern Romance, #727)
9780263863987 (0263863980)
Edition language: English
I would definitely take off points because the hero is a mega-jerk. He is so hateful to Tessa. I can understand his cyncism about women, but it's almost like he was angry that Tessa hadn't died as he thought previously. I think that Tessa was remarkably tolerant of Stavros. I really wanted her to st...
This made my fabulous wallbanger shelf, not because the hero is monumentally dickish -- this is a modern Presents, so it's kept relatively tame -- but because he goes on being dickish for so long. It takes 152 pages for him to stop believing Tessa deliberately disrupted his life to try and get money...
Stavros Denakis had just announced his engagement when Tessa Marlowe apprears on the scene. The woman he had married to save from prison in a foreign country. The woman he had believed dead for the last four years. He can only believe she is after money from him because that is what his life experie...