by Lois McMaster Bujold
I really liked the first two in this trilogy, but struggled to get through this one. Ingrey is just not as compelling a protagonist, and the story moved very, very slowly. Still, well-written and set in an interesting world so I never gave up on it completely.
The third venture into the Quintarian Universe by Lois McMaster Bujold introduces animal magic that gives "The Hallowed Hunt" it's name. The reader follows Ingrey kin Wolfcliff as he first investigates the death of the youngest son of the hallowed king of the Weald only to find himself mired in a co...
This is the third book set in the Chalion universe, but it's a standalone with no common characters or thread, just a related culture with the same dominant religion. If the land of The Curse of Chalion and Paladin of Souls, can be identified with Renaissance Spain, then the Weald of The Hallowed Hu...
I have to agree with others who have said "good, but not as good as the first two." However - it's still squeaking into the 4-star range.I also feel that in this case, marketing this as "Chalion #3" is doing the book a disservice - though set in the same world as 'Curse of Chalion' and 'Paladin of S...
Loved it! Sad that I've come to the end of this series.
Third in the Chalion series. Ingrey is an extremely compelling character. Wencel was an interesting comparison--I had a hard time figuring out if he was going to be the villain or a supporting hero. I do love Bujold, although in this case I kept hoping for just a mention of the characters from the e...
Extremely entertaining, though it doesn't do to think too deeply about this story.
Not as good as the Sharing Knife. I very rarely read a book out of order and because I didn't know it was part of the Chalion series it could explain my dissatisfaction.Or, it's just not that great of a book.