by Heather Killough-Walden
Confusing.But still a good plot. Though, I feel bad for Malcolm. I liked him. :(Am I gonna read the sequel?Hmmm...maybe.
2 1/2 starsI really liked the action and story but I missed the romance and relationship build.
3-3½ Stars
Great, inexpensive indie book with hot werewolves and a sexy love scene. I'd recommend this book for a budget read, but the next two in the series were disappointing due to plot believability and graphic torture scene in the second book. But I thoroughly enjoyed the first in the series and would r...
Great, inexpensive indie book with hot werewolves and a sexy love scene. I'd recommend this book for a budget read, but the next two in the series were disappointing due to plot believability and graphic torture scene in the second book. But I thoroughly enjoyed the first in the series and would r...