by George R.R. Martin
Having read all of [a:Martin|346732|George R.R. Martin|]'s Song of Fire and Ice significantly faster than he's writing new ones, and considering he doesn't seem to be making much progress with the next one: four years between the l...
A wonderful short story that has some pretty damn good character development while deepening the lore of Westros and the lineage of all the main families from the beloved Song of Ice and Fire series. The Hedge Knight is a relatively light-hearted tale of traditional knighthood in the Arthurian vein....
**THERE BE SPOILERS AHEAD**The Hedge Knight takes places a hundred years, some say, eighty-nine years, before the events of A Game of Thrones takes place. In it, we are whisked through the Seven Kingdoms through Dunk, a hedge knight, who after the death of his master and sort of foster father, seeks...
The Hedge Knight is the first in a trio of prequel novellas to the Song of Ice and Fire series. This first story introduces us to "Dunk", Ser Duncan the Tall, and his mysterious squire, Egg, as they travel to a joust. While a bit slow of the middle, with what devolved simply into a list of knights a...
Entertaining back-story of Westeros. This series tells the stories of Ageon the Unlikely (AKA Egg) Maester Aemon's brother, and grandfather to Mad King Aerys, the last Targaryen king.
I’m not a big fantasy fan. I have nothing at all against it – it’s just that I enjoy good science fiction more than I enjoy good fantasy. I’ve read and enjoyed Middlearth, The Magician, Tigana, etc. But then came George R.R. Martin. Several people told me to read the first book in his "A Song of Ice...