by Joseph Campbell, David Kudler
The idea that there is no such thing as an original story isn’t even original in of itself. Joseph Campbell may have coined the monomyth, but writers and orators have been following set standards and conventions for thousands of years. What set THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES apart is that it applies...
This was a very insightful read and illuminated the myth culture very well. I thought it would be a bit more academic, and I think that a more straight forward statement as to what each section represents would be helpful. Otherwise, this was a great book with an interesting selection of myths from ...
I loved this!
I loved this!
I started this book thinking it was totally awesome. I was highlighting almost everything and I gave my boyfriend a rave review... And then I kept reading. And fell out of love with it.I love the concept, and I really enjoyed his writing in the beginning portion of the book. But even though he says ...
Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the similarities between Hindu myths and Greek myths. Then during my early twenties, I discovered Campbell and said to myself: "Voila! Somebody has noticed it before me!" Ever since then, I've been a Campbell fan.The structure of the monomyth is ...
A stunning achievement and so incredible I wish I had read this years ago. An absolute must-read for any writer (or wanna-be writer), no matter what genre.Marvelous.
Everyone has probably heard of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, but most people misunderstand it and I doubt many people have actually read his writing except in summary. After reading this book, I can understand why; the man was brilliant, but he was an academic and this book was written for acade...