by Nikki Sixx
Yikes this book is a serious downer. You’d think the lifestyle of a big rock and roll star at the height of his stardom was nothing but luxurious decadence and fun times, right? Well, it is and it isn’t. When you haven’t dealt with your childhood pain, struggle with depression and a crushing loneli...
After reading quite a few fiction based novels i thought about what my next read would be and thought that i haven't read any rock biographies lately the last one being Marilyn Manson's The Long Road To Hell. Looking through Chapter's thorugh their biography section i was actually shocked on how ma...
Thoughts while reading this book: 1. Nikki Sixx is indestructible2. Everything I thought I knew about rock stars, tours, drugs, and sex is all true, and then some3. Stories about throwing drugs out a hotel window are funny if it doesn't kill you4. Nikki Sixx can still manage to be funny even when co...