by Hopkins
I loved the movie but the book interestingly failed to impress me. It's focused too much on the love story - including stepping over the line to a physical relationship between Tom and Annie and a very cheesy ending where "fate" solves all problems. Sorry, but I rather have people solve their own ...
I think I was completely misinformed about this book. I expected it to be about horses, but I was mistaken. There's a very thin plot line that's actually about getting a horse back under control, but for the main part it's just a romance, badly written. I didn't like it, it felt fake, it felt at t...
Good book, thought a tad to romancey for my tastes. But the focus on the horses helps a lot - to ignore the romance, that is. Plus: the opening scene of the accident? Very powerfull...
Much better than the movie made from this book, this is an excellent read.
I LOVED this book. From the riveting beginning to its stunning end. I think it's time for me to read it again.
Oh sigh, how I loved this book!!! I was so engrossed in the accidnet that my mom had to touch my arm to get my atention and let me know it was time for dinner. I will have to re-read this yet again so that it is fresh in my mind to properly review. I adore this author, and wish he would produce (...
Hated it!!! Read this book because a friend of mine insisted I had to. Then had to hide from the friend until I could get the swearing and frothing at the mouth under control. Sparks Evans walks his heroine right up onto the horns of a moral dilemma. Married with children but in love with somebo...
Gawd. Bridges of Madison County with a horse.