Just another Prikin short. Doesn't really have much going on aside from him getting the house and us learning a little more about him.
I❤Pritkin! Even if he's house-hunting, I'll take it. :) Nice little short about the history behind his house.
A cute little story about how John Pritkin ended up with his house in Stratford-upon-Avon. This was in answer to a question Karen received on Facebook about the house. She decided to elaborate the reply into this little short. It doesn't have much bearing on the main Cassie story, but for me, any li...
A short story about how Pritkin came to own the house at Cobb end, love the world and i´m a sucker for Pritkin. 3,5 Stars
I thought this was a lovely little short about how Pritkin found his house. No real fight scenes but a nice glimpse into the maye and fey world.