by Elly Griffiths
"The House At Sea's End" is the third mystery involving Ruth Galloway, a forensic archaeologist, living on the salt marsh coast of Norfolk. It carries on with the same ensemble cast of characters that we met in "The Crossing Places" and "The Janus Stone". This time, Ruth, now a single mother cour...
I don't know why I keep reading these books. They make me so mad. I guess my love of archaeology, mysteries, and Cathbad outweigh my frustrations with Ruth and Nelson, who I equally want to box upside the head, but for different reasons. This mystery was set in the more recent past than the first...
I enjoyed this - the series is getting better as it goes along and the complications in the personal lives of the significant characters encrease. The characters who were less important in the earlier books are being fleshed out, making the books more multi-dimensional.
I'm enjoying these Ruth Galloway books. Love the characters of Ruth, Nelson, Cathbad, Judy. Haven't warmed up entirely to Clough, Shona, Phil. But she tells a good story. I thought this one had a better mystery than some of the previous ones. Looking forward to the next one, and seeing Kate's person...
Once again frumpy forensic anthropologist Ruth Galloway is called to an unusual case. Bones have been discovered wedged between the quickly eroding rocks of Norfolk Beach. Her investigation leads through some complicated WWII twists and turns ending at the most unlikely of suspects. Complicating ...
Another winner from Elly Griffiths. I consider her books to be incredibly intelligent and smartly written. This book is no exception. I would go as far as to say that Griffiths is even more talented that Kathy Reichs in how she presents her main character Ruth Galloway as being a regular person with...
When this third book staring forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway starts, Ruth is just back from maternity leave and still getting used to being little Kate's mother. When a team of archaeologists surveying the coast line discover six bodies, Ruth is called to the scene. When it is determined that t...
Another engrossing read. I like the lack of good/bad extremes in the characters, who are all very real people.
The plot pretty lame, but then again I had no idea whodunnit until the end, but the strength of these books is the development of the characters we know, the believability of the new characters and the descriptions of the location. Very good.
I love these unusual characters and their relationship. Actually, I was surprised how much these relationships changed in this book. The case was interesting and I had no clue who the killer was until we actually learned the truth.I loved it. Can't wait for the next book - should it come.