by Kristin Secorsky
Shame... I really wanted to read this book. The blurb got me to get it (love PNR and HF), especially because it was a NTM author. But after certain...revelations, don't think that I'll bother to waste any of my precious reading time.
3/24/13. This is not a review of the book, but some clarification of my putting this book on my *no-thank-you* shelf after a screen grab of it showed up on that vile website that shall not be named or linked to. If you must go there, it is the March 20 post called "Bully Attacks This Week". I unders...
The idea was good, but the execution not so much.The writing style grated: the sentences was too short and sometimes repetitive. To me it seems like a 12 years old writing: he said, she said, he did, she did... Let me quote the beginning:Skye walked into the small gladiator cell. Ever since she’d ac...