by Colleen McCullough, Jen Taylor
Read by Tiffany: A rollicking read, but not what I expected from a 20 years later sequel to Pride and Prejudice! Mary attacked by a highwayman, kidnapped by a weird religious cult and held captive in a cage in a cave, Lydia murdered, Lizzie and Mr Darcy unhappy .. quelle horreur!! .. and by the end ...
Man, if you want to see a fandom wig out, just insert a bit of reality into their happily ever after narrative. This is not a one star book. It's a more than competent piece of fiction. Fiction being the key word. P&P isn't real, folks.Jane Austen books are fun because they aren't demanding. Good an...
La historia no es mala. Creo que esta de más decir que es "la vida de" algún personaje de orgullo y prejuicio.No me gusto que se le tome tanta importancia a Lizzie, menos con una actitud tan cartucha como para no hablar con Darcy acerca de sus "problemas"No me gusto que le digan "Fitz" a Darcy, es t...
Update as on 18 May 2011 - I decided to read the book through since I can't bare to leave a book unfinished.:-/I was forewarned by the reviews that I had read. But I thought I would give this a try anyway...mainly because the author, Colleen McCullough, is a favourite of mine. It was a disaster, thi...
I got this book sort of by accident, but found it quite an interesting read. However, I think Jane Austen herself would have been shocked by some of the topics this book touched upon. Perhaps that shouldn't have been a concern for me, but it was.
Goldjadeocean says, "takes on sexism, classism, racism, colonialism, and religious extremism latent in the original Austen" I'm in! can obviously see from all the other reviews that this is not the most popular of Pride and Prejudice sequels. Darcy and Elizabeth do not spend 99% of their time having sex, and he does not cater to her hand and foot all the days of their lives.*shrugs* Sorry. Those things don't happen in...
Overall, I found this novel enjoyable. It did, however, have such an easily quantifiable incidents of win and fail that I will attempt to list them here.Of course, you might not agree. I realize that for many what I cound as wins they would rather be quantified as fails, and vice versa.Spoilers belo...
Good fun. In a way, it was a bit like a fan fiction, except considerably better researched. McCullough took Austen's characters off for a bit of good old-fashioned adventure, and has presented us with what I can only describe as a ripping yarn.