The Inhabited World
Part psychological drama, part mystery, part modern ghost story, The Inhabited World is a deeply affecting novel of love, loss, and longing. Evan Molloy has been dead for nearly ten years when the mysterious, fragile Maureen moves into the bungalow near Puget Sound where he once lived. Caught...
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Part psychological drama, part mystery, part modern ghost story, The Inhabited World is a deeply affecting novel of love, loss, and longing. Evan Molloy has been dead for nearly ten years when the mysterious, fragile Maureen moves into the bungalow near Puget Sound where he once lived. Caught between this world and the next, Evan cannot remember the events that led to his death, but in Maureen’s presence he begins to recall his life more clearly. As Maureen tries valiantly to restart her life after a recently ended love affair, she unknowingly offers her otherworldly housemate a sort of redemption he never could have predicted.
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Format: paperback
9780618872367 (0618872361)
Publish date: July 2nd 2007
Publisher: Mariner Books
Pages no: 288
Edition language: English