by Ian McEwan
I get (the dubious) experience of exploring the McEwan back catalog. surrounded by my betters? mmm maybe this is a goodreads only experience.rather thought John Fowles probably will never learn that McEwan has written a bunch of spy thrillers. they're kind of intense. I kinda wanna read more.
McEwan is an awesome writer and that is an undeniable fact even if you don't like his books. He is master of the English language. I have a strange liking for him.However, The Innocent wasn't all what I thought it was. I was hoping for intrigue... but what I got was a peculiar love story of this non...
When you're in love, you do strange things, but they don't seem strange at the time. Last night we watched Deep End, a 1970 movie starring Jane Asher which explored this theme well. The main character is a shy 15 year old boy, who becomes obsessed with the lovely Ms Asher. His actions all seem more ...