by Stef Penney
This was an unexpected read. I had picked up the book without reading the blurb. As it turns out, it tells the story of a private investigator who is hired to find out about the disappearance of a woman within the traveller community. One of the aspects that made the book quite entertaining is t...
The Invisible Ones is a detective story set within the Gypsy community. it's narrated from two points of view: a half-Gypsy private detective who is investigating the disappearance of a young Gypsy woman; and an adolescent Gypsy boy from an isolated but tightly-knit family.The unusual setting gives ...
Liked it -- except for the ending, which was just too pat and nice. Considering all the trouble and heartache throughout the book, the ending was just too tidy.I thought at times that the portrayal of JJ (the teenager) was off-kilter, but I liked him nonetheless. Ray was too hapless to be believed a...
The Invisible Ones is Stef Penney's follow up to her acclaimed debut novel The Tenderness of Wolves. It opens with private investigator Ray Lovell in the hospital recovering from a brush with death via an unidentified poisonous substance. The hospital staff suspects that it may have been self-admini...
I really had a hard time getting into this one. I thought it was a slow-paced, repetitive story at the beginning and I wanted to give up on it but I thought there had to be more since it was written by a bestselling author. I also was intrigued by the Gypsy culture so I kept reading and about hal...