"The Janus Stone", the second Ruth Galloway book, is as original and compelling as the first book, "The Crossing Places" The story, which takes place a few months after "The Crossing Places", revolves around the discovery of the headless skeleton of a child, beneath an archway in a Victorian build...
The Janus Stone by Elly Griffiths from the series which feature an archeological pathologist. Griffiths’ books are always steeped in the past (her husband is an archeologist) and in the landscape of the Norfolk Coast, where the Seahenge was found earlier this century, so she’s able to use the wonder...
This is a solid follow-up to the first book introducing the independent and intelligent forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway. I'm happy a few of the more interesting characters are back and am now fully invested in continuing with the series. Easy reading, no gore, a great setting and just enough ...
bookshelves: published-2010, paper-read, series, archaeology, autumn-2011, mystery-thriller, britain-england, one-penny-wonder Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Carey and Clare Read from September 06 to 15, 2011 A light breeze runs through the long grass at the top of the hill.I Claudius opening snake...
The Ruth Galloway series are light English style mysteries with an unusual and, to me, fascinating archaeological angle. Ruth is a forensic archaeologist who assists the police in identifying remains discovered in various locations. Sometimes the remains turn out to be thousands of years old, othe...
More missing children in Norfolk? More pre-Christian archaeological discoveries? More people trying to scare Ruth? This sounds awfully much like the first book :(
I absolutely love Elly Griffith's writing. She writes so intelligently and her books make one think because of twists and unusual story lines. I tend to veer towards British female mystery writers because of the abilities to do this and she is def. no exception to that bias of mine.
This is the second mystery featuring Dr. Ruth Galloway, forensic Archeologist, and I liked it as much as I did the first one.The story is set about four months after the terrifying ending of the first book and Ruth is back working in the university, living her solitary life and... pregnant. A pregna...
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