by Meljean Brook
My Rating: A-, Enjoyed A Lot Originally Posted at That's What I'm Talking About Review copy provided by publisher NOTE: This review contains spoilers from the earlier parts of the book! This week’s part opens with Zenobia and Helene traveling to the Red City under the protection of Ariq. During...
The time has finally come for Zenobia to reveal her secrets. ...Which aren't exactly what Ariq was expecting... Still, complicated though the situation may be, our two lovebirds seem to at last be trusting one another, and nothing can stop their love. ...Except their abduction. Amazing as ever! An...
After the last serial I was kinda iffy, annoyed and definitely divided. Don't missunderstand me, I did pre-order this one, I was left wanting more, but also wondered if I can take any more of the on and off in the romance. I needed some sort of solution. Which admittedly is a bit silly, since I don...