In this conclusion to When the Wind Blows, the six children have escaped horrific government experiments, a childhood in captivity, and a frightening brush with death. Living out in the world for the first time, they yearn to be reunited with Kit and Frannie, the couple who saved their lives, and...
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In this conclusion to When the Wind Blows, the six children have escaped horrific government experiments, a childhood in captivity, and a frightening brush with death. Living out in the world for the first time, they yearn to be reunited with Kit and Frannie, the couple who saved their lives, and to return to the one place they have ever felt truly protected — the waterfront cabin known as the Lake House. But before they can get there, they will face a horrifying evil, for one man has survived the awful laboratory that bred the flying children, and he is obsessed with reclaiming them for a new round of experiments—with an even more deadly outcome.
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