by Marjorie M. Liu
The Last Twilight was an action packed thriller that had me sitting at the edge of my seat several times.Rikki is a virus hunter doing work in the Congo, who unknowingly becomes the target of two different men needing her expertise. Both want her alive and are willing to go to extreme measures to en...
This shit got dark, y'all.I felt like there was too much going on with this one. Every time you reached a point where things started to calm down, Liu ratcheted things right back up again. It was actually tiring to read this.And I'm reading them out of order, so that's kinda stupid on my part.
I am not really a romance reader, but given the storyline, I was willing to give it a try. I am more than happy that I did. A Virus Hunter for the CDC, posted in Africa sounded right up my alley.The story was slightly confusing to me, as it appears that this is one of those series that is very much ...
Another quick enjoyable read in the world of Dirk & Steele. I wouldn't recommend starting with this book or you'll be lost. You need to start from book 1 to get the cast of characters, the world, the different companies, etc.
Not the best of the series. First off, if I never read another romance featuring some semblance of bioengineered ebola, it'll be too soon. This is like the second one I've read in recent months and I could do without the whole "I think I'm infected" bit. Second off, as squicky as I found the sex ...
A very good paranormal romance, the action and the relationship balanced each other nicely. Rikki and Amiri were interesting characters, though they didn't strike a particular chord with me.
I stuck with the first few in the series even though they weren't great. I just saw the potential for something good and hoped that one day the author would get there. Luckily, she's slowly improving. This book was a lot more interesting for me. Maybe it's my fear of books/movies that have monkeys p...
What is it with amoral scientists wanting to experiment on people who are different? We learned more about the Consortium and how it comes about. This one reminds me of a book I read by Iris Johansen. I sucked this one down in a few hours too.