by Thelma Adams
3.5 starsI went through fazes while reading this book. Some parts were very interesting to me, and during other parts it couldn't keep my attention. Overall, I enjoyed it more than not. It's cool reading historical and having female characters who didn't follow the rules of the times. It's not t...
About The Last Woman Standing: A Novel of Mrs. Wyatt Earp Paperback: 298 pagesPublisher: Lake Union Publishing (July 1, 2016) Thelma Adams has built a successful career writing profiles of Hollywood’s biggest and brightest stars. From Julianne Moore and George Clooney to Jessica Chastain and Matthe...
“Tombstone kicked my ass and I kicked back.” Oh, really? Well, tell us more! Author Thelma Adams gives voice and new life to Josephine Marcus Earp in this novel. Undoubtedly, Josie’s character will make you laugh as she tells her tale in her gutsy, high-spirited oratory. It begins with the Jewi...
I read this too fast. I finished reading it last night and I wasn't ready to leave Tombstone or say goodbye to the Earp's. All good things must end and I'm a tad bit more knowledgeable about Wyatt Earp and his beautiful, vivacious wife, Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp. Because Josephine fiercely protect...