by Terry Goodkind
Once upon a time, I read Wizard’s First Rule and liked it. I wish I had left it at that, but noooo. I just had to get another Goodkind book, and it had to be this one. At some point in his career, it seems Goodkind stopped writing fantasies and started writing political and social commentary. But no...
This book is being billed as a thriller, and starts out as a present-day story, but the fantasy element is hinted at in the early chapters, and eventually it ties into Goodkind's popular fantasy Sword of Truth series. I liked the first six books or so of Goodkind's series. At first I found the char...
Awesome book I hope Terry makes another book that follows this one.
Audiobook. The story itself was okay, however it was so repetitive that it became annoying. It seemed like the author had to meet some quota for a word count. There was just far too much rehashing and explaining things that had just happened. It's a problem I noticed happening in the Sword of Truth ...
While having a gripping plot line, the story didn't start until half way through the book. The author also didn't pay attention to his words. He let them run away from him and tell the same facts over and over, hopelessly slowing down what should have been a tight thriller.
Picked this up cheap at a thrift store, thought it might be interesting - a thriller from a guy known for sword-and-sorcery. No such luck - Goodkind's apparently a one-trick pony, as this book is completely tied to the Sword of Truth series (and honestly, I suspect a good deal of it wouldn't make s...
For those familiar with Terry Goodkind’s massive fantasy series, The Sword of Truth (see [b:Wizard's First Rule|43889|Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, #1)|Terry Goodkind||1323305]), it might have come a bit of a surprise that the author...
Good reading after having read all the Sword of Truth books.