by Andrew Michael Hurley, Richard Burnip
by Andrew Michael Hurley This story starts out taking its time, letting the reader get to know the characters. I thought when I was reading these early chapters that it explained why Stephen King liked it so much. It is told in first person, from the point of view of one of two brothers who visit ...
I've read this book and I'm not sure if it was because of all the times I was interrupted or what, but I just did not get it. I got parts of it, but there were parts that I was just asking myself "what?". I mean with a lot of the clues I think I can piece together a majority of the story, but I stil...
Some of the negative reviews describe this book as "strange" and I would agree with that another candidly states" nothing significant happens, never mind eerie" and a third makes the very unflattering comment "it was like reading a soap" I think that all the negative reviews have entirely missed the...