by Sarah Jio
"Love is not always logical, but when you see it, you know it. And, Jane, we can see it." I won this book from a LibraryThing Early Reviewer's giveaway but never received my copy so I went and got a copy because I am such a big fan of Sarah Jio's novels. I am disappointed to say that this is my lea...
I received this book free from Penguin's First To Read program in exchange for a review. This is my honest review. I absolutely LOVE Sarah Jio's books. I think this one was my third and once again she doesn't disappoint. The story is well written with great characters and you will end up tearing up ...
By Sarah Jio ISBN: 9780142180532Publisher: Penguin Books-PlumePublication Date: 11/25/2014My Rating: 5 Stars A special thank you to Penguin Group Plume and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Sarah Jio, the queen of historical fiction, brings a mix of warm Christmas cheer, a m...