A neat spin of "Alice in Wonderland." Yet unique in its own right. This story revolves around Alys (princess of Wonderland) who escapes to Earth to avoid being murdered by her Aunt Redd and the Cat assassin. Hatter M. is a special bodyguard who travels to Earth as well to protect Alys but is sepa...
Excellent. Can't wait to read the sequel.
Somewhere under a 4 for me. Maybe even as low as a 3.5.The Looking Glass Wars is an alternate history retelling of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass books. Beddor reimagines the children’s classic as non-fiction: Alyss Hart, a Wonderlander, comes to Earth in...
Why did I wait so long to read this book!? I haven't read a YA fantasy novel that was this amazing in FOREVER! Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my absolute favorite stories and Frank Beddor's version is no exception! I loved the original Alice in Wonderland, but, gosh, this version is tota...
While I love the concept of this book, there are points where I feel like the author wasn’t sure what audience he was writing for. Thematically, it’s a very dark take on the Alice books, complete with elements of steam and cyber-punk and I love the descriptions of the various weaponry. However, Redd...
I think if I were younger, I would've enjoyed this book much more. If you read significently, then you can see all the plot twists coming. While the concept is intersting, the characters are boring, unless they are designed to be "cool" (such as the Hatter). I wondered if the book was written with...
What if Alice in Wonderland were a true story? What if Lewis Carroll listened to Alice recite her story and thinking she had a sympathetic ear in an unsympathetic world told of all the amazing things that happen in Wonderland? What if instead of believing her, he thought she was making up the outl...