by Zachary Mason
This is a beautiful collection of tone poems and evocative scenes inspired by the Odyssey. Those looking for a through-composed novel will be disappointed. The collection of stories explores Odysseus and a multitude of other characters and events from both the Iliad and the Odyssey. Author, Mason...
the lost books of the odyssey is really a collection of very short "what-if" stories that share as a common thread the homeric hero, odysseus, and his adventures. it doesn't read like a novel to me despite the insistence of the title: there's not really a unified plot but rather thematically-connect...
Great book. Like a master jazz musician riffing on a theme. Didn't try to replace or modernize the Odyssey, but filled in gaps and told alternative versions. I felt like I was sitting in front of fire on a little Greek greek island while a master storyteller wove his tales.
I don't know about this book. It was good in some ways, but I didn't feel any desire to keep reading it.
A kalaidescope of what ifs and could have beens in the tale of Odysseus.