by R.L. Stine
Only memorable thing: A person is covered in honey, oats thrown onto them, then pent-up starved houses are let out to EAT THE PERSON TO DEATH. No rescue from that, either.EDIT (2nd March): Ugh, that should read "horses" - not "houses" ;-) Sorry about that.
4.5 stars. Being sick has its advantages, I can read more than I normally can. :) Not a terribly long review due to the high amount of twists and turns (though of course, quite a few are not that difficult to figure out within a few pages), but I want people to go into this fresh, so I will just kee...
I received a copy from Netgalley. actual rating 1.5 stars. I think it was 90s nostalgia that made me request this title. RL Stine is a very familiar name to me, even though I never read any of the original Fear Street books or even any of the old Goosebumps titles. I did often like RL Stine's Po...
I received this book via NetGalley to give an honest review. I have always been a huge fan of R.L. Stine's so to be approved for this title I was extremely happy. I don't think I had read this one growing up so I knew I had to read it. This book is no different than the rest of his Fear Street bo...
4.5 stars. Well, I have finally got to read R. L. Stine. I was so excited when I got approved for this book. I know my daughter was always reading his Goosebumps series, but I was a little old for them. So now, I finally get to see what all the commotion is about. Boy, am I glad I read this book dur...