Every adult in America has heard accusations the mainstream media is not living up to their obligation, on some level, to the American people. This book sets out to, in the most explicit and credible way possible, identify the extent of the problem and the reasons why. How? By using the...
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Every adult in America has heard accusations the mainstream media is not living up to their obligation, on some level, to the American people. This book sets out to, in the most explicit and credible way possible, identify the extent of the problem and the reasons why. How? By using the mainstream media’s own work, and words against them.
The author exposes an indisputable pattern of news blackouts by presenting a compilation of gold standard reporting extensively from mainstream media news outlets. Contradictive? No. Here’s why. What’s astonishing and disturbing is the vast amount of the investigative reports cited throughout this book are almost always unwelcome within its own community, i.e. the rest of the mainstream media! This consistent and breathtaking trait of journalism malpractice results in a bottleneck of information on a scale that’s nothing short of staggering.
Dubbed as “random acts of journalism” by one national pundit, here, these “random acts” are picked up from across the mainstream media and set in an authentic sequence revealing what none of them choose to do; report entire stories truthfully to the public. In other words, to discover the truth through today’s media on countless stories, it has to be literally pieced together!
How could this possibly be? Journalists who work for the nations largest newsrooms are not only aware of an ever-increasing amount of underpublicized information, they meticulously explain the reasons why; in their own words. Those riveting reports are chronicled too.
Although "Obamacare" is listed in numerous chapter titles, fulfilling the reader’s expectation to the title of this book is the focal point. Using Obamacare (and much more) as the catalyst to do it, is the right choice at the right time. And, as political as the topic is these days, to every extent possible, the politics are withdrawn. Referencing liberals, conservatives, Democrats or Republicans are nil to none.
Take a tour through dozens of documented national news blackouts set in a storybook-like fashion. If you’ve relied on the likes of ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, major newspapers, magazines or an internet website for information that affects you, your family and America; prepare to be shocked.
When the media’s principle duty of public enlightenment is breached as deep and as widespread as it is today, our democracy is inevitably weakened. Endowing credibility, the media’s betrayal of our democracy is evidenced courtesy of the mainstream media itself and is categorically, on full display.
"John McLaughlin's excellent exposure of the sycophant mainstream media, Media News Black Out, A Betrayal of Democracy, is a must read by all Americans. Every citizen would benefit from Mr. McLaughlin's in-depth disclosure how major "news agencies" manipulated, purposely omitted, fabricated and spun past events to benefit one particular political party. Most of his book deals with the legislation shenanigans and passage of Obamacare, but in the overall political scheme of things, Mr. McLaughlin identifies the purposeful dumbing down of journalists and exposes their unwillingness to truly report and investigate for the benefit of all."
Thomas Neviaser
Columnist, Culpeper Star-Exponent
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