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The Manual of Detection - Community Reviews back

by Jedediah Berry
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moving under skies
moving under skies rated it 10 years ago
Berry wants to be China Mieville when he grows up. So far he's just a pale imitation, heavy on surreal quirk and light on everything else.
book reviews forevermore
book reviews forevermore rated it 11 years ago
When I was in my mid-teens, one of my friends was rather obsessed with Film (capital intended). I watched a lot of movies that year, most of which I could tell you little about. Brazil remains completely hazy in my memory, only a single screen shot of a greyscale monolith interior, a voice echoing t...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
bookshelves: paper-read, tbr-busting-2013, winter-20122013, fradio, fantasy, mystery-thriller, published-2009, radio-4x, doo-lally, debut Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Christmas gift from Susanna Read from January 03 to 29, 2013 Opening: The expert detective's pursuit will go unnoticed, but not b...
Stacia's books
Stacia's books rated it 12 years ago
So, imagine you trip & fall down Alice's rabbit-hole, tumbling past dreamscapes & spooky carnival sideshows before landing with a thump in a smoky jazz bar filled with pajama-clad characters from Inception & The Maltese Falcon. (Don't fail to notice the shadow of someone from Minority Report lurking...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 12 years ago
This really wasn't a good book for me, it's a good book but it's not me. My sister would probably love it, or my younger brother. Charles Unwin is a file clerk who works for a detective agency and he files reported for investigator Travis Sivart. Travis goes missing and Unwin is promoted to his...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
Opening: The expert detective's pursuit will go unnoticed, but not because he is unremarkable. Rather, like the suspect's shadow, he will appear as though he was meant to be there.See where S marks this as 'weird' and 4* - right there, groovy!ALSO HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01pzvjb Anyon...
Forrest Aguirre, in the Leaves
Forrest Aguirre, in the Leaves rated it 12 years ago
All the elements of noir are present here: a dreary setting, half-understood mysteries, double- and even triple-crosses, multiple femme fatales, even a dark carnival filled with surly carnies. The voice of the book is flat and even - a little too flat and even for my tastes. It is well-written but I...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 13 years ago
This is a very bizarre book -- a cocktail of 'The Twilight Zone', Ray Bradbury and 'Alice in Wonderland' weirdness. It messes with your head, literally, as it is about attempting to solve a crime perpetuated in a dream state and with all the somnambulism that's afoot, it's all you can do to try to k...
Mój blog
Mój blog rated it 13 years ago
„Manual of detection” zdobył Hammett Prize w 2009 roku. Jest to nagroda przyznawana dla najlepszej powieści detektywistycznej. Trzeba przyznać, że jest to opowieść nietypowa jak na ten gatunek. Chociażby i dlatego, że przeplatają się w niej dwie rzeczywistości: ten realny i świat snu ; czasami trudn...
M.W. Gerard
M.W. Gerard rated it 14 years ago
Pretty disappointed. This had every potential to be great and it just kinda left me unsatisfied. Began with great promise then petered out. Too bad.
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