The Marvellous Land of Oz
L. Frank Baum (author)
The sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, set shortly after the events in the first bookA fantastical tale of endless imagination, this story follows the adventures of a young boy named Tip, who, for as long as he can remember has been under the guardianship of a witch named Mombi in the Land of...
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The sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, set shortly after the events in the first bookA fantastical tale of endless imagination, this story follows the adventures of a young boy named Tip, who, for as long as he can remember has been under the guardianship of a witch named Mombi in the Land of Oz. One night he plans his escape to the Emerald City, stealing Mombi's powder of life. Along the way he meets with our old friends the Scarecrow and Tin Woodsman as well as making some new ones such as Jack Pumpkinhead, the Wooden Sawhorse, the Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug, and the amazing Gump. Can they escape Mombi and make it to the Emerald City? This story is as exciting and endearing today as it was when first published more than 80 years ago.
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Format: paperback
9781843913917 (1843913917)
Publish date: April 1st 2013
Publisher: Hesperus Press
Pages no: 160
Edition language: English
Like many people my age, I actually remember when The Wizard of Oz movie being shown on network television every year was an event. I mean, we didn’t have VCRs (Let alone Netflix) back in the dark ages, so if you wanted to get a glimpse of Oz, you had to plan your social schedule around being at hom...
I listened to the Librivox audio version, read by Phil Chenevert.Before I discovered Goodreads, I didn't even know there was a whole Oz-series. Now that I do, it gives me plenty of (audio) material to use before falling asleep. This second book in the series is technically a sequel to [b:The Wonderf...
Don't read further if you haven't read to the end of book #1 since this review will spoil you about the events that took place in book #1. This book was awesome. I have to say that after book #1 I was puzzled what this book would be about and if I would like it as much as book #1 without Dorothy or ...
I think I enjoyed The Marvelous Land of Oz more than I did the original. It managed to keep the same tone as the first book, but made everything bigger.My biggest complaint with this book were the puns...oh lord, the puns.At least I wasn't alone in being annoyed at the puns, though. Pretty much ever...
This second book in the Oz series was enchanting and I wish I had read the stories to my children when they were younger. It also had a few laugh out loud moments for me, with regards to how girls were portrayed, though I'm not sure this was meant to be funny in 1904. Favourite passage In which tho...