by Rachel Florence Roberts
This book was received from the author for an honest review.Honestly, I found it difficult to write the review of this particular book without giving away the plot.Our novel begins in the then seemingly inauspicious surroundings of the Royal Bethlem hospital, a real psychiatric hospital based in Lon...
Based on a true story taken place in 1885, Anne Stanbury wakes up in a strange bed, calling out for the familiar then realizes she's been placed in a lunatic asylum. The voices she overhears claim she is unfit to stand trial for a crime of which she is indicted. Edgar is her grieving husband torn be...
Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!I received a free copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. This has not changed my opinion on the book in any way!When I received the email, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to read this book. I am not a fan of histo...
This book was great both as a thriller and as historical fiction. The mystery element sucked me in right away. Little bits of what happened were slowly revealed from the perspectives of Lady Anne, her husband, and Dr. Savage. This was done very skillfully. Even though I was kept in the dark about fa...
Wow! this was some book ;) So I must confess that it was only my second psychological thriller and i was somewhat apprehensive about reading it. Because I have absolutely hated and loved the first one (It was Gone Girl by the way) and unfortunately or may be fortunately I have same mixed feelings fo...
I'm still learning Booklikes and I have a lot to learn. Like how to add the book's cover to the review. Right now, however, I don't care about that. This is the book that was monumentally spammed by its author all over Goodreads. The author voted for her own book in the Goodreads Choice awards,...