The Memory of Earth
Format: MP3 CD
9781433218736 (1433218739)
Publish date: April 1st 2008
Publisher: Blackstone Audiobooks
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Speculative Fiction,
Series: Homecoming Saga (#1)
Przyznam szczerze, że nigdy nie czytałam żadnej książki Orsona Scotta Carda. "Pamięć Ziemi" to jego pierwsza książka, z którą miałam do czynienia, a którą wybrałam zupełnie przypadkowo w bibliotece (tak, jak już się w jakiejś znajdę to nie potrafię wyjść bez książki). Po opinii znajomego i innych os...
Could not compare to Ender.
So I'd never read anything by Orson Scott Card before. Of course I had heard of him and seen his books all over, but he was just one of those authors I never quite got around to reading. While that misstep has now been corrected, I had to put down The Memory of Earth.I fully intended to read the boo...
Interesting. I was just reading and enjoying the story when all of a sudden it turned into the story of Lehi and his sons. Well, it was different, but it was the same story! It kind of weirded me out a little. I plan on reading the rest of the series. It will be interesting to see if the whole story...
Looking back, these books were really creepy.