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The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress - Community Reviews back

by Robert A. Heinlein
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Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 7 years ago
The usual pretty crude pneumatic sex-fantasies cropped up... But women actually have a pretty dominant role in Heinlein's lunar society... It's a penal colony, and Heinlein reckons that means there are going to be far fewer women then men there - so he's come up with a system called 'line-marriage'....
CDRBill rated it 8 years ago
This story is a sci-fi epic retelling of the American Revolution, only this time the people of the moon are rebelling against Earth and the Lunar Authority led by a sentient computer and a ragtime group of ice miner and farmers.Heinlein gives the reader some interesting ideological viewpoints about ...
IntheZone rated it 9 years ago
This was still an interesting story but this has not aged very well and the language used kept me from enjoying this as much as my original read of this one.3 Stars for an OK read.
IntheZone rated it 9 years ago
This was still an interesting story but this has not aged very well and the language used kept me from enjoying this as much as my original read of this one.3 Stars for an OK read.
DoctorDonna rated it 9 years ago
This is not the kind of book I typically read. I picked it for the 2016 pop sugar challenge of protagonist with the same occupation. I listened to the audio version and I really enjoyed the narrator. It was definitely all politics all the time, but it didn't really annoy me much as the protagonist h...
MartynVHalm rated it 11 years ago
If you haven't read Heinlein and you want to get an idea of how good he was, this is the book to start with. And read Stranger in a Strange Land next.
Diocletian rated it 11 years ago
I was somewhat let down by this novel. I still really enjoyed it, but I was expecting it to be exceptional, which it was not. My main complaint is the writing style; it is written in a lunar dialect, which sounds bizarrely lacking (I have no better way to explain it). This writing style really annoy...
MRHill rated it 11 years ago
In the year 2075, the moon has become a penal colony for a federated earth. The denizens of the moon, called Loonies, are required to grow crops for shipment to an overcrowded and hungry earth. Tired of lives of servitude to an earth to which they hold no allegiance, a small group of Loonies and a s...
Strong tea and good books
Strong tea and good books rated it 12 years ago
Great book. One of Heinlein's finest. It is better than stranger in a strange land
Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts
Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts rated it 12 years ago
I expected something much different from the synopsis. I imagined something more similar to HG Wells's The Time Machine. Probably because I categorize these two books as "old sci-fi books", even though they aren't even in the same century ha. But I imagined something dense with a lot of description ...
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