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The Moon-Spinners - Community Reviews back

by Mary Stewart
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Murder by Death
Murder by Death rated it 6 years ago
One of my mom's all time favourites, and I've finally read it. I don't know what it is about Mary Stewart's books but they always start off a bit slow for me - or maybe I'm just impatient for the suspense to start? Either way, they usually pick up pretty quickly and this was no exception. The fur...
Abandoned by user
Abandoned by user rated it 7 years ago
You know those books that you are pretty sure you are really going to love, so you buy it and wait to read it because once you read it, you won't be able to look forward to reading it anymore? This was one of those books for me. I picked up a paperback copy of The Moonspinners donkeys ages ago, at e...
Reflections rated it 9 years ago
This beautifully written, utterly charming romantic thriller kept my heart pounding in terrified suspense, even though my original copy of the book is falling apart because I’ve read the story so many times. When I was twelve or thirteen, Mary Stewart was a favorite author of everyone I knew who lov...
Olga Godim
Olga Godim rated it 10 years ago
Charming and harrowing simultaneously, this romantic thriller was a fun ride. The heroine Nicola is a twenty-two-year-old undersecretary at the British Embassy in Athens, Greece. On vacation in Crete, she stumbles upon a young wounded Englishman Mark, hiding in the mountains from some mysterious vil...
Bright and Shiny Shiny
Bright and Shiny Shiny rated it 11 years ago
I just don't care enough to finish and I'm sick of seeing it sitting there with my currently reading books.**sigh**
Bright and Shiny Shiny
Bright and Shiny Shiny rated it 11 years ago
I just don't care enough to finish and I'm sick of seeing it sitting there with my currently reading books.**sigh**
Michelle CH
Michelle CH rated it 11 years ago
This was my first Mary Stewart novel - and I loved it! For me, the biggest fun was being transported to such a magical time and place. Call me old-fashioned but I love a heroine that is spunky and sweet at the same time. Nicola is just that girl.She arrives in Crete for a holiday and is unintentiona...
Tammie's Reading Reviews
Tammie's Reading Reviews rated it 12 years ago
I very much enjoyed this book. I enjoyed Mary Stewart's beautiful descriptions of Crete. It really drew me in from the start. I liked this book much more than the movie that was based on it. I always thought Hayley Mills was miscast in that movie, and after reading the book my opinion on that is str...
By Singing Light
By Singing Light rated it 12 years ago
Set on Crete, this was not my favorite Stewart. The mystery/romance aspect is fine, but I just like the English books the best (Ivy Tree and Thornyhold are still my favorites). Also, there was one moment where I just had to laugh about an Orthodox detail, though in general she got the feel of things...
Skulls and Coffee
Skulls and Coffee rated it 14 years ago
Picked this one up to read the book that the movie was based on. Considering I haven't even seen the movie I came into the book with an open mind and was not disappointed.Set in Crete over the Easter weekend, it's a quick read of murder, mystery, and falling in love. I love the descriptions of the C...
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