by John Grafton, Ambrose Bierce
I'm not sure how I managed to never hear of Ambrose Bierce, but I genuinely regret the omission in my earlier reading. His stories are creepy, but they are also weirdly fun. He's nailed down a proper horror atmosphere, which is often the hardest thing, and he generally has a good grasp of the twis...
bookshelves: boo-scary, autumn-2015, halloween-2015, paper-read, re-visit-2015, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, under-100-ratings Read from October 10 to 12, 2015 Description: Famed for the mordant wit and satire of his essays and newspaper columns, Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914) also possessed a...
Bierce is so terse yet so erudite its hard to fault even his weaker fare. He's not as concise as Saki but close. They both share a strain of wicked humor. This entire book was good, there wasn't a single dud in the book. Best $1.00 you could invest.
As a whole the collection is better than average, but Bierce carries such a lofty reputation that I expected even better. A few pieces, such as "The Man and the Snake", meet expectations, but a few weaker entries just aren't worthy of a master. At his best, he handles the surprise ending well or int...