by Ronald Malfi
I often find something to bitch about when reading short stories and novellas because usually something is missing or lacking or characterization gets shafted in exchange for less words. Or, perhaps the worst sin of short stories, the ending is rushed. Don’t you hate that? The Mourning House is an e...
2 1/2 StarsWell, it was different. The writing was good, but the creep factor was missing. It was overly simple. The characters weren't really fleshed out enough for me to become vested in their outcome and by the end of the story I was left wanting, although I did like what happened in the end. Jus...
This is the first book I've read in 2013, and talk about starting the year with a bang! Sam Hatch has just suffered a serious tragedy and has found himself wandering the country. He finally stumbles upon a house in a small town and immediately buys it. He's not sure why the house speaks to him so mu...
Another fine novella from Darkfuse.To those who read lots of dark fiction, and ghost stories in particular, this is familiar territory. We even feel like we have been in this house before. Yes, there is the creaking floorboard and the shadow moving in the next room. Wasn't the staircase over ther...
God, I love me some Ronald Malfi. I have read a couple of his books and have another one waiting for me on my Nook, so when I saw Netgalley offering this novelette, I jumped on it. It is written with his same incredibly descriptive scenery and twists which leave a reader scratching his/her head! Mal...