The Murder of Adam and Eve
In this fast-paced and thought-provoking thriller, two teens time-travel to prehistoric Africa to judge whether to save our ancestors: the genetic "Adam" and "Eve" whose descendants will go on to populate the world. When 16-year-old Nick Brynner explores an old fort on a forbidden island for a...
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In this fast-paced and thought-provoking thriller, two teens time-travel to prehistoric Africa to judge whether to save our ancestors: the genetic "Adam" and "Eve" whose descendants will go on to populate the world. When 16-year-old Nick Brynner explores an old fort on a forbidden island for a school history project, he stumbles onto a time wormhole. What follows is a myst
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Burrows Publishing
Pages no: 307
Edition language: English
I don't know about you, but I've been seduced by a nice cover and a cool title a couple of times in my life. Alright, it happens quite often... The Murder of Adam and Eve is a book that I should have thought twice about before I decided to download it from NetGalley. Mostly because I usually try to ...
This book was engaging, and I had to carve out extra reading time in my regular routine so I could finish it ahead of schedule. I had a little concern, because some reviewers painted a picture of this book being some sort of “Environmentalist Agenda.” I found this laughable; it wasn’t an agenda, but...
The Murder of Adam and Eve finds sixteen year old Nick Brynner exploring an old abandoned fort on a forbidden island for a school project. He is then being chased in a deserted village by something that he thinks is a gargoyle. He escapes with the help of another teen, Ellie, and the pair are then s...
I received a print copy from the author and a digital copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed The Murder of Adam and Eve. I love the fantasy aspect of the story as long as it isn't taken too seriously and as long as you don't look too deeply into all the literal aspect...