by Jaclyn Moriarty, Susan Lyons, Anushka Carter Paris
Becoming Bindy Mackenzie is the first book that made me cry (that I can remember, anyway- perhaps The Cat in the Hat was a real tearjerker when I was young). This was probably for a variety of reasons-most importantly, that it was very early in the morning when I read it. It's not a good book to cry...
The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie can only be described as a literary delight. Once again, Moriarty's epistolary format not only surprises, but stuns, in its genius. With this installment in the Ashbury/Brookfield Series, Moriarty follows the tale of Bindy Mackenzie, a top student whose life is slowly t...
Review originally published here.Why I Read It: Next in a series. I'm trying to read all the series that I've started in recent years as I have a nasty habit of reading the first boo in a series, loving it, and then not getting back to it for ages. I'm a little sad to report that I didn't think this...
My best friend's mom is a doctor and one of the most patient, compassionate people I've ever met in my life. Whenever I hear about the latest disease, I immediately call her with my deadly symptoms. Now this same woman, after five minutes of watching Lea Michele in Glee, will ask, "What is that bitc...
This is the second time I've read this book; the first time I was a teenager and so fitted the target audience, this time I'm a lot older but I enjoyed it just as much as I did first time round! I love the style of Jaclyn Moriarty's books, how they're written through memos and emails and diary entri...
Also appears on The Screaming Nitpicker.Number one in all her classes for years, Bindy Mackenzie believes herself to be above all the drama and silliness of teenage years, saying more than once that she is not a teenager and never has been. When thrown into the Friendship and Development class with ...
Oh, this book has exhausted me. During the second half I cried so much that I was getting concerned about dehydration. I think I have to drink two liters of water or juice now to compensate for all the tears I've shed. I am not sure why Bindy has moved me so much. She has this kind of different view...
The more Moriarty I read, the more I love her. Bindy is a bit of a loon, but you get to know her and appreciate her. And then things get really weird.
With most books I read, I have a fairly clear sense of what I want to rate it and what I want to say to it by the time I get to the last few chapters. But I finished this 3 days ago and I've still been chewing over it.Which I think is good. But I'm not 100% sure.Here's what I think:I like that this ...
This was tons of fun! I liked it even better than the first book, The Year of Secret Assignments, partly because I kind of identified with Bindy. [Aug. 2008]-----A re-read. I remembered liking this the best of the Ashbury books and I think that still holds true. I feel a lot of sympathy for Bindy an...