by Jeff Hertzberg, Zoë François, Stephen Scott Gross
I use the recipes from this book for my breads, my pizza crusts, rolls.... so many times a week I have them memorized. I have not bought bread for years.
Wonderful, crispy bread, ready to make in just five minutes with just a bit of prep work, Who could ask for more ?
Can't wait to start trying these recipes! But first I need to buy a baking stone?!? UHG.
Great recipes and wonderful tips! Borrowed this book from the library and loved it so much I went out and bought a copy. Now my family enjoys fresh bread every week.
Not a tough book to read, since the bulk of it is recipes. I love this technique. I have made 3 loafs so far from two different recipes. Highly recommend for bread lovers looking for an easy and delicious homemade bread recipe.
My turn with this book coincided with my yearly spring push to lose the winter flab. No bread allowed for awhile. So I shall have to revisit this a few ell-bees down the road. I did read the text explaining the technique and the science behind it. No kneading!No proofing the yeast!No warm place fre...
Really Good Recipes for making really good bread...this is bread making for the bread challenged baker
I got it from the library. Tried it out after buying a baking stone and a peel. The results have been very good and Lenny loves it. It is truly easy. I want to buy this book eventually.