by Isaac Marion
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Title: The New Hunger Series: Warm Bodies #0.5 Author: Isaac Marion Publisher: Zola Books Publication Date: Jan 28th 2013 Page Numbers: 105 pages Blurb The end of the world didn’t happen overnight. After years of societal breakdown, wars and quakes and rising tides, humanity was already near t...
And while this can be read first, it makes much, much more sense to read Warm Bodies first. The characters, the way they intersect in each others lives, is meaningless unless you read the broader story that came first. This includes a lot of backstory, a lot of motivation for friendships, a lot...
Looking forward to book 1 now. :)
Nothing lasts forever. Life doesn't, love doesn't, hope doesn't, so why would death, hate, or despair? Nothing is permanent. Not even the end of the world.....Well, this novella-length prequel of [b:Warm Bodies|7619057|Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1)|Isaac Marion|
Following the interesting, if not totally necessary, publishing trend of prequel, sequel, and mid-series novellas, The New Hunger is the 140-page prequel to the novel that takes a look at the newly-raised R, 12-year-old Julie, teenage Nora and others, six years before the events of Warm Bodies. It t...
I'd give this a solid 4.5. Warm Bodies wasn't my favorite, maybe because I read it too late (just a couple of months before the movie release) and I struggled to get though it. While I loved R, I didn't connect with Julie or Nora at all. But now? After this finely crafted gem? I'm impressed. The ba...
All six are moving toward each other, some by accident, some by intent, and though their goals differ considerably, on this particular summer night, under this particular set of cold stars, all of them are sharing the same thought: Find people. If you loved Warm Bodies, can you tell?So Nora Aynalem ...
So good! So sad! Lots of little hidden tidbits, things that we had no idea about in the first book that will definitely make the second even better. Must read.
It's well written, and enjoyable and so on, but I'd already read most of it before from 'The Hungry Mouth' book of his short stories. I had no idea this had the same content, it would have been good if that were mentioned, or if it is, made a little clearer.