by Colson Whitehead
Honestly not much to say besides this book stayed heartbreaking from beginning to end. Whitehead does so much with the language while reading this book you may end up cringing at times. Seeing how boys who were unlucky enough to be sent to the Nickel Academy (white and black) were treated by suppose...
I listened to this novel as I painted our fence in the backyard. This small, section of fence should have taken just a few hours but when I finally made my way back inside, I realized that my morning was gone and I was working into the afternoon. I know for a fact that I’d stopped a few times while ...
Nickel Boys, Colson Whitehead, author; Bahni Turpin, narrator Nickel Boys is based on a reform school, Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, which truly existed in Florida. So, although this is a novel, a work of fiction, the terribly brutal behavior was common practice, the racism and the inequity, and...
Tallahassee (Südflorida) Anfang der 1960er-Jahre: Der 16-jährige Elwood Curtis lebt bei seiner Großmutter in einem schwarzen Ghetto, nachdem seine Eltern abgehauen sind. Der farbige Jugendliche ist ein glühender Fan von Martin Luther King und träumt davon, aufs College zu gehen. Er legt viel Fleiß a...
I thank NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for providing me an ARC copy of this book, which I freely chose to review. In brief, this is an extraordinary book. Beautifully written, haunting, it vividly portrays and era and a place (the early 1960s in Florida), and illustrates the very best and...
It was a strange feeling to be in the middle of reading this book when the events of this past weekend occurred (the shooting in El Paso and Dayton respectively). It's an excellent book, but the term happy reading is not one that you would apply to it. Therefore, if you are having a tough summer but...
This is one time I cannot give a short synopsis of the book because I would give the story away. I didn't know what to expect as I opened the book but I read the majority of it in one afternoon. The Nickel Boys is well written. I knew it would be a difficult book to read especially since I have b...
This is the type of book you want to savour even though you can read it all in one sitting.Colson Whitehead has done it again, The Nickel Boys is a gritty and horrifying story based on real events. Truth and fiction blend seamlessly in Whitehead's prose and the duel narratives force the reader to qu...
I found it difficult to engage with this story. Elwood Curtis grows up in 60's Florida, a time of race riots yet balanced with that the wonderful influential and lyrical leadership and direction of Martin Luther king. One small mistake results in Elwood being enrolled in a reform school, a home for ...
„ Man kann ein Gesetz ändern, aber nicht die Menschen und die Art, wie sie miteinander umgehen." "Zu überleben reichte nicht, man musste sein Leben auch in die Hand nehmen." Die Geschichte erzählt von Elwood Curtis, einem Afro-Amerikanischen Teenager in den frühen 60ern, der in der Schule fleißig ...