by Gini Koch
I have read this book before, I realized that the minute I started it in the Sensational Six Anthology, and was tickled to no end. I had lost track of the book, but it crossed my mind occasionally over time, and I was thrilled to find it in its whole in this anthology. The first of the Necropolis En...
Love the author, did not love this book. Way too much information dumped on the reader, the author even has characters new to the situation so the main character can tell them what is going on..... constantly.
This is the first book in the Necropolis Enforcement Files series by Gini Koch. I will admit that I only recently discovered the wonderous Gini Koch. While doing the last Goodreads Best Of voting during the final round, I found that I recognized and had read every single book except for one - Alie...
Phew! That was an awesome read. I couldn't put it down - it being 6:15 AM is a testament to it's awesomeness. Everything about Vic reminded me of Katherine "Kitty" Katt. Since it's also written by Gini Koch, that's not surprising. The world is obviously quite different, but the characters and action...
What to say about this book without giving it all away? Honestly some weird-ass stuff going on in this one. Trust me, I mean, wow, I'd like to dish it all out, but I can't, some things have to be read and I can tell one thing, you are in for one freaky ride.Vic, is our snarky witty main character, s...
Woohoo a new series by Gini Koch!!! This goes straight to the top of my wish list :-)