by Mike Robbins
The Nine Horizons, written by Mike Robbins, recalls the journeys of a young man. He travels to various countries while working in different projects. But neither his work projects nor the author himself are used as the main focal points; rather the people, the wildlife and the land share the limelig...
Mike Robbins is a journalist turned development worker. This book consists of nine essays covering his experiences in diverse places he has lived in or visited over nearly thirty years--Sudan, Ecuador, Bhutan, Syria, Turkestan, Kyrgystan, and New York. Although there are nine chapters, there aren't...
“The Nine Horizons: Travel In Sundry Places” is billed as a series of snapshots and lives up to this claim, offering nine sparkling vignettes of the author's experiences in Sudan, Quito in Ecuador, a rainforest (Ecuador again), Bhutan, Syria, Central Asia, Brazil, New York, and during an England to ...