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The One Minute Manager - Community Reviews back

by Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson
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Osho rated it 11 years ago
Wildly popular (though already dated) in its day, a management allegory that really needs only 5 pages at most to make its point. I have my undergraduates writing updates and making it relevant, and must say, while giving credit to Blanchard and Johnson for the idea, that my students' adaptations ar...
Taming of the Shrew
Taming of the Shrew rated it 11 years ago
"People Who Feel Good About Themselves Produce Good Results" I need to admit that after few first sentences of this books my first through was "damn...". So simple - so worth reading. Such books should be recommended on Management studies and after that in each company this books should have a pl...
basswood rated it 11 years ago
Laughably oversimplified advice, for the most part very truthful and common sensical, that I'm sure works spectacularly in a healthy, homogeneous, and fully functional society that I'm having a hard time envisioning in today's world. Written in 1981, the type of managerial relationship portrayed her...
Ad Girl-Book Worm
Ad Girl-Book Worm rated it 13 years ago
Amazingly easy read and, while the "story" is a bit cheesy, incredibly useful insight. I've passed this along to others in my company that I think could benefit from the advice, and I gave a copy to my sister as part of her graduation present. Especially recommended for anyone who is just starting o...
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