by Connie Brockway, Justine Eyre
I could tell you to read this book for the fun adventure (think Indiana Jonesish or I guess nowadays people would think Nate Drake), Connie Brockway writing (effortlessly emotionally true, engaging, and always moving), or the characters (you’ll smile while weeping at how utterly crystal clear the he...
I read this book for an upcoming romance reader's advisory class. It took a little while for me to get into it, because it's not really my style, but it was pretty good. I like road trip romances, and at it's core that's what this was, even if they're on a camel instead of in a car. By the end, thou...
Not as good as the first one in the series, but still a good, quick, fun read.
I borrowed this from the Kindle Lending Library and I'm glad I did. Very cute story. It takes place in Egypt around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.I might give a more in depth review, but I'll just say for now that I was definitely fully engaged in it by about one third through. Action, ad...
★★★★½ The audiobook was very well narrated by Justine Eyre; I’ll be looking for more with her reading. I totally loved this second in the Braxton series featuring headstrong heroine, Genisse Braxton, oldest child to Harry & Diz, and dangerous expatriate, Jim Owen. I love a good “road trip” as well...
4+ stars. Another Guy’s Bride is a light, humorous, historical road-trip romance romp through Egypt. I loved the high adventure, mayhem, and colorful characters. Overall, a fun read!
It's not much of a secret that As You Desire is one of my very favorite romances. So there wasn't much hope that I would like this 'sequel', or whatever you want to call it, nearly as much. The comparison is inevitable. But, there were a few great scenes, and lots of that trademark CB wit. And I ...
Along with As You Desire and My Dearest Enemy this book is going into my top ten all time favorite books. Connie Brockway sure does know how to write my favorite type of hero and heroine. Jim is a loner with a heartbreaking past, who once he meets Ginny, will do anything for her. Mostly he saves h...
What a wonderful historical romance! I loved the character of Ginesse. She is a trouble magnet, outspoken, and a closet penny novelist. She is also the daughter of two famous archaeologists and has six younger brothers. She is just returning to Egypt after spending some years in an English finishing...
very cute!