by Sarah Vowell, Conan O'Brien, Michael Chabon, Norman Lear
The Partly Cloudy Patriot is a very entertaining book that brings up some controversial topics (some political, some not). Sarah Vowell, the author, gives a great performance. What else can you expect from a regular contributor to NPR and "This American Life"? She knows how to create topics of conve...
Sarah Vowell always leaves me feeling comforted that there is someone else out there that sees the world in a different light. That there IS someone in the world that actually seems to be sane and logical and zany at the same time. Unfortunately after leaving the world of Vowell I still am faced wit...
This was my introduction to Sarah Vowell, and I now like her very much. I know, I'm a loser for not listening to NPR more frequently, but I can't pay attention to anything else when it's on (seriously - even wash dishes), so I don't.She's funny and smart and insightful and definitely a patriot in a...
This has got to be one of the best books I have read in a long, long time. The book is comprised of a collection of essays and personal stories. It is actually a book that I can see myself reading over and over again as the years go by.All of the essays are funny, some more than others. Of partic...
I absolutely ate this book up. I love how much Sarah Vowell loves Abraham Lincoln, how she argues for the preservation of an underground lunchroom in the Carlsbad Caverns because at the end of the day we Americans are just "a bunch of fun-loving dopes," and how she thinks more people would have like...
Funny little essays, mostly about US history and politics. I really liked Vowell in her Daily Show interview, but these fell flat for me. She's obviously funny and thoughtful and well-informed--but not much. I never giggled out loud, or realized something new, or learned a neat tidbit about histo...
Okay, I've given up on Sarah Vowell. I think I have tried to read all of her books at this point. The only one I truly enjoyed was Assassination Vacation. After working my way through her other stuff, I think I know why. Assassination Vacation forced her to actually think about somebody else for onc...
I want to like this collection of (mostly) political essays more than I do. I'm not sure why I didn't enjoy it much--Vowell's thinking jumps and associates amusingly, her topics are coherent and interesting, and her writing is usually fine, if sometimes also unremarkable. When I've heard Vowell spea...
I just totally bogged down in the midst of a lengthy essay on the 200 presidential election. Oh, well.