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The Paying Guests - Community Reviews back

by Sarah Waters
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Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 6 years ago
So I really enjoyed "The Little Stranger" and wanted to read more Sarah Waters books. I picked up "The Paying Guests" and found it hard to get into initially. Just like I did with "The Little Stranger." However, Waters takes her time building up the story and you eventually get into the rhythm of th...
eamaccready rated it 8 years ago
I really liked Sarah Waters' writing, beautiful prose. But I found the plot to this to be very cliche and predictable with characters I found to be dull and cardboard at best, and downright unlikable at worst. Because of this, I had a really hard time sympathizing with their troubles and struggles w...
Lillelara rated it 8 years ago
The Paying Guests is my third Sarah Waters book and eventhough her other books aren´t perfect, at least they have been compelling reads. But this book I found to be incredibly dull and boring. The story in a nutshell: moping, moping, doing house chores, moping, more house cleaning, falling in love, ...
Evaine's Books, Books and More Books
Thank God that's over with! I don't know what I was expecting when everyone was recommending Sarah Waters to me. More mystery-like, I think. The blurbs and all mention the world thriller, but I just don't see it. First off, I have to say that Sarah Waters does write well. She is definitely ...
Bloodorange rated it 10 years ago
Loved the first part for the setting - historical and situational - and the psychologically true portraits; liked the somewhat arduous, plot-driven second part, and the non-ending, far less. I'm giving [b:The Paying Guests|20821087|The Paying Guests|Sarah Waters|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1396671...
Cheri's Book Blog
Cheri's Book Blog rated it 10 years ago
Another fantastic, twisted story from Sarah Waters. Wow. There's no predicting where the story will go. I found it to drag a bit in one section but I was too invested to even consider stopping. And I felt on the edge of my seat until the very last word.There are few authors who can weave a tale like...
Cheri's Book Blog
Cheri's Book Blog rated it 10 years ago
Another fantastic, twisted story from Sarah Waters. Wow. There's no predicting where the story will go. I found it to drag a bit in one section but I was too invested to even consider stopping. And I felt on the edge of my seat until the very last word.There are few authors who can weave a tale like...
Hol rated it 10 years ago
Herelded as one of the top books of 2014, I had high hopes for this book. Were they met? Just to be mess with your heads I'll say yes and no! I’ve sat on this for a few days and still can’t completely work out how I felt about it. I mean, I know I liked it, but did I love anything about it? Well, ...
Hol rated it 10 years ago
Just finishing this one up now. I've really enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say I'm in love with it. It has reminded me how much I enjoy Sarah Waters writing and character development though.
pedestrienne rated it 10 years ago
I was very compelled by this and also hated that I was compelled by it because I could tell that terrible things were going to happen to Frances and Lillian and I didn't know if they would make it through them. I'm not going to tell you if they do or not so you can experience the same feelings if yo...
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